ipad wordless wednesday

Wordless Wednesday: Tech Savvy Cheese

erick uniforms

Back To School: New School, Old Fashion

Hey Y’all: Erick  will be attending a new school this coming year, his previous school was a uniformed school. This new one isn’t. That’s an issue for me! I was one of the few people that was excited about NYC schools requiring children to wear uniforms. As a parent, uniforms are hassle free! No drama trying […]

getting big leah the twins

Wordless Wednesday: From That To This…

first grade ps 115

Things I Learned In The First Grade

Hey Y’all: As we prepare to send our kiddies back to school I am taking a moment to reflect on last year’s learning experience. Here is a list of things I learned during First Grade (from Erick). Each point will be made by song lyrics LOL… cause I’m silly like that. Let me know if […]