children and facebook facebook five reasons why social media tmi

Five Reasons Why My Children Won’t be on Facebook Until 16+

Hey Y’all, I haven’t done a Five reasons why post in forever. Today’s post is prompted by an article I read about yet another young person who took their life because of cyber bulling. 5 Reasons Why My Children Won’t be on Facebook  (or any other social media site) Until 16+ I of course searched […]

affection in marriage husband and wife love love real love

True Love

Hey Y’all, “Truly” was the last spelling word on my 8 yr old’s list for homework one night. “My dad is truly in love with my mom” was the sentence he came up with. My husband and I hug, kiss and show plenty of affection towards one another in the presence of our children. Our […]

a mother's hands old hands

A Mother’s Hands – Author Unknown

Hey y’all, I read this post on a friends Facebook page today and thought it appropriate to share on my blog. As a mother I found this to be very profound and thought provoking. It caused me to mentally evaluate the way I’m raising my children. Let me know what you think. One young man went to apply for […]