graduation Uncategorized

Graduation Time. Should I Go Back?

If your social media timelines look anything like mine I’m sure you’ve begun to see plenty of graduation pictures posted by proud family members and graduates a like. I know a few people personally who have walked across the stage and I’m so proud of their accomplishments. Come June I’ll be posting pictures of my […]


Tell Somebody!

As my daughter is getting older and I’m starting to think about her body developing and the process of puberty in girls, a true fear is gripping me. Yes, having the talk about her cycle and the ‘birds and the bees’ is scary but what’s even more frightening is explaining to her good and bad […]

twin tuesday Uncategorized

Twin Tuesday: Newcasters

When I got home last night the twins had something to share with me. They have decided they are going to be newscasters. They have a box filled with their on set props, from the on air sign to the cups of ‘coffee’ they were ready to go. Leah changed her name to Elizabeth and […]

my mommy Uncategorized


On this, the day after Mother’s Day I feel compelled to share this post with you. I wrote it on my phone a few months ago. Not sure how it will be received but this post is for me. 8, 18 or 80 the loss of your mother must be the most unbearable of pains. […]